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While you wait, Meyerditch... Lord Vanstrom is back

  • August 8, 2021

    Vanstrom is not an actual threat, as you can see. Charos is. I don't suppose you have any information about Charos? Charos? Wait, I think I'm remembering something.... Veliaf! I just heard that OSRS Accounts there is a large vampyre calling for [your exact namewithin Canifis currently. My Ivandis Flail, and I are prepared.

    While you wait, Meyerditch... Lord Vanstrom is back. It's possible that you're feeling depressed, but you need to drink. This comes from Sector Four. My Lord, perhaps you could learn why we were mortal before the Myreque and gain favor in Lord Drakan. I have learned that there's an Myreque agent in a small village east of Mort Ton, close to the place where our forces defeated the six brothers.

    I must stay. Drakan requires this inventory to be to be checked immediately. Then, we should go to the Myreque agent. After this dramatic cutscene is over and you're ready to head for Canifis. Teleporting to Ancients is the quickest way to get there. Chat with the locals there, but don't expect much. Go to Mazcha instead. There's nothing you can get out of him either. You can ask Mazcha for ten thousand dollars by offering you an earring made of Charos.

    This is hilarious. You'll notice that I'm not insignificant. Let me know what methods do you use? This is a ring. The person who enchanted it must be aware that not everyone is able to Buy RuneScape Gold trust the pow. That's Charos’s ring! Charos, who are you? Charos is the former ruler of the area of Morytania. He got into a fight, and I sent him to my Lord. Malak has been in control of Canifis ever since.