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Member Type: Regular Member
Profile Views: 455 views
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Last Update: December 13, 2020
Joined: December 13, 2020
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February 16, 1985
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About Me
My name is Michelle Stone. I'm currently a graduate student starting my final year of my Masters of Science outcome in Marriage and Family Counseling/Therapy, but also practicing as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - In Training & Substance Abuse Counselor - In Training in the state of Wisconsin. I grew up in the lower half of the state on a horse ranch for about 18 years and from there moved consistently for about 12 years with an unknown thought process of where, what and whom I was. It was not until my father, a United States Marine was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that I realized my future life purpose. So, for the last 5 years I have pursued that purpose not only for myself, my family and others I can offer some help too! I thoroughly believe in the Bowenian theory, EFT & Narrative Therapy. As a current psychotherapist practicing in the northern location of Taylor County at the local state and government, I find my self in an area where I am the only licensed MFT in 3 counties wide. Working full-time and educating myself full-time is challenging at time's, but I believe my loved ones support, as well as my employers support continues to allow me to achieve all of my goals successfully.
MFT Student, MFT Practitioner
College or University
Capella University

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